Cocopeat for gardening uses

 Cocopeat for gardening uses:

The cocopeat bricks can be purchased online or directly from the market. Adding warm water to a big bucket of bricks will help them dissolve. You can break the bricks by hand or soak the coir for about two hours in water. It can be planted directly or mixed with soil in a proportion that keeps 40% of the medium. It should always be moistened well before planting. Also, it is advised to check the plant’s water on time.

Where is Cocopeat used?

  • Most of us want a rooftop garden but fail to have one because we have to maintain the proper weight in rooftop gardening. Cocopeat solves this issue.
  • You can also use cocopeat to make a small garden on your balcony or your apartment. 

How to make Cocopeat at home?

Coco Peat

Materials required

  • Coconut
  • Pliers
  • Container
  • Bowl 
  • Water
  • Mixture


Steps to make cocopeat

  1. Remove the Coconut husk – Use pliers or coconut husk removers to do this
  2. Separate the Coconut fibres – Divide them into smaller parts before putting them into the blender
  3. Blend it – Use a mixer or blender to turn coconut fibre into powder
  4. Make it smooth – Blend it until it becomes a fine powder
  5. Remove the fibrous pieces – Use a sieve for this purpose or remove them by handpicking.

The product is ready to use. You can mix it with soil or store it in the form of brick for later use.


How to make Cocopeat brick?

  1. Pour some water into the coconut coir powder and make a thick slurry with even consistency
  2. Mix it well – You can use a trowel to churn the water and coir mixture and mix them well. 
  3. Store it in a container – Pour the mixture into a container of the desired shape and compress it.  Let it dry. And the brick is ready. 


Applications of Cocopeat

  • Cocopeat is used as a soil supplement to keep the soil and the plants healthy and maintain a healthy environment in your house.
  • Coir dust is used for seed germination to fasten the growth process of seeds.
  • Wetted coir bags help in the growth of tissue-cultured plants.


What makes Cocopeat ideal for Horticulture?

  • It is used as a substrate or growing medium in greenhouses
  • It improves soil aeration, thereby allowing roots to breathe
  • It can be reused for up to 5 years, after which it can be used for composting or can be added directly to the soil
  • Because of its spongy nature, cocopeat can store and release nutrients to plants on demand.
  • It also improves soil buffering capacity, as cocopeat is mostly tolerant to pH variations
  • It has a high moisture retention capacity, capable of retaining up to 800% moisture (by its dry weight)
  • Most importantly, cocopeat is sourced from a 100% natural, replenishable and biodegradable source – the coconut husk – which makes it the best choice as an alternative to peat moss.

 What can go wrong with Cocopeat?

Cocopeat contains natural salts. This means that the correct proportion of cocopeat is essential. Also, good quality cocopeat should be used for potting and gardening. It is mostly available in compressed form, so it needs to be used in a definite period; otherwise, it will be difficult to break it and use it. Because of its high porosity, it will not help to carry and support the weight of the plant. This is a common problem with all the potting mixes; the plant is supported using extra supports.

 Due to its enormous use and benefits, the demand for cocopeat is increasing in the market. This sudden rise in demand has resulted in the high price of the cocopeat. High demand has caused poor quality coco peat to enter the market. Always select a good quality cocopeat at a reasonable price.


Why is peat used for plants?

Peat is used to maintain the pH quality of the soil. We need to choose good quality cocopeats for our soil.

Can cocopeat be reused?

Cocopeat is very environmentally friendly and can be reused multiple times.

What can be used in place of cocopeat?

We can add manure or decomposed leaves in place of cocopeat.

What is the lifespan of cocopeat?

Cocopeat can last for 4-5 years, after which it can be used for composting or can be added directly into the soil.

Can I make a cocopeat at home?

Yes. You can make cocopeat at home by using the process explained above.


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